Sources citées dans le livret du Jour de la Nuit
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- Witherington, B. E., and R. E. Martin. 1996. Understanding, assessing, and resolving light-pollution problems on sea turtle nesting beaches. Florida Marine Research Institute Technical Report TR-2. 73 p
- Stewart, Alan & Perl, Craig & Niven, Jeremy. (2020). Artificial lighting impairs mate attraction in a nocturnal capital breeder. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 223. jeb.229146. 10.1242/jeb.229146.
- Boldogh, Sandor & Dobrosi, Dénes & Samu, Péter. (2007). The effects of the illumination of buildings on house-dwelling bats and its conservation consequences. Acta Chiropterologica. 9. 527-534. 10.3161/1733-5329(2007)9[527:TEOTIO]2.0.CO;2.
- Knop, E. & Zoller, Leana & Ryser, Remo & Gerpe, Christopher & Hörler, Maurin & Fontaine, Colin. (2017). Artificial light at night as a new threat to pollination. Nature. 548. 10.1038/nature23288.